Self-Healing as an Essential Ramadan Goal

I believe one of the primary indications that we are understanding the essence of Ramadan is if we take each Ramadan as an opportunity to “level up”. This can take many forms such as increased knowledge, greater resolve to come closer to Allah (swa) through the Qur’an (memorization, recitation, understanding, teaching, etc.), increased Sadaqah, and one that often goes on the back burner – personal self-healing and purification.

We often get a burst of inspiration right at the beginning of anything new like a new idea, a new year or month, but if we are not addressing deeper rooted challenges with the thoughts, feelings, and stories we hold in our mind, our life experience can be vastly different than what we are seeking.

When a person wakes up to the same old stories and unhealed wounds each morning, it’s almost as if they are running an automatic computer program. They don’t even have to think about anything and all of a sudden, their mind is endlessly revisiting the past.

Unhealed hurts such as:

  • Anger

  • Fear

  • Resentment

  • Self-doubt

  • Comparison & Jealousy

  • Guilt

…These can be surprisingly limiting for personal growth and productivity because they shrink our potential. Without working through these challenges, we can lose sight of healthy perspectives and feel stuck, left behind, or unsure of ourselves.

Imagine if you could finally overcome these wounds and turn them into healed strengths. What would be possible for you?

Of course, it can all seem easier said than done. We might tell ourselves we are “over it” but deep down, there may still be some residue and unresolved feelings.

That’s why I’ve created The Self-Healing Workbook.

This complete workbook gives you essential tools, insights, and reflections to get lasting relief from unhealthy patterns inshaAllah. The Self-Healing Workbook is a healing tool to help you understand and resolve deeper feelings and defensive reactions to these feelings.

Learn how to:

  • Understand your own patterns

  • Listen to your body

  • Tap into your Core values

  • Develop healthier perspectives

  • Interrupt old patterns with new insights.

This workbook shows you how to apply these principles to your daily life through your own deeper work and reflections.

After completing the workbook, you will have a much stronger understanding of how to heal yourself as well as areas to work on further with a coach, mentor, or therapist. Having learned the 9 wellness tools in this workbook, you will come away feeling greater sense of relief, clarity, and personal freedom from old stories inshaAllah.

The contents in this workbook make for excellent discussion conversations within families and groups as well!

For a Ramadan special, I am offering the workbook for $10 because I truly believe this internal work is the birthplace of untapped potential, self-improvement, and achieving success in this life and the next inshaAllah.

I pray you see the benefits of this work throughout your days and life and that it stays with you as a toolkit in times of need. Unlike E-Books, this is more than just content. It offers many areas for reflection and deep work which will require time, consistency, and personal vulnerability to see results inshaAllah. As always, feel free to email me at any time with questions or comments. It’s always a pleasure hearing from you!

P.S.: You can also download a free sample of the workbook through my downloads to get a feel for it!



On Goals vs. Systems & Why I’m shifting my focus


5 Questions for an Extraordinary Ramadan