For when you have too many ideas

Today, I am writing the blog post I personally need to read. I’m currently oscillating between several new ideas about what I want to do next personally and professionally and at any given time in the day, I could have a totally different idea than the hour before. Oh my! Have you been there? I did have a couple coffees today so that might explain my enthusiasm and blossoming ideas but I wanted to share a few ways I’m helping myself with deciding which step to take next inshaAllah.

Usually when I start to have too many ideas, it’s because I need a new challenge and my current activities are leaning more towards monotony than novelty. Although routines and repetition are helpful when working on a project, I find I work best when I have a healthy dose of novelty and change peppered throughout my months.

Some of the tools I find most helpful when I’m experiencing a burst of ideas:

  1. Notice and be aware of the inspiration and how it feels: Do you have a special place where you feel the flow of ideas coming your way? Do you have a notebook where you write out your thoughts? What are the physical spaces and items that lead to big ideas for you? Your environment plays a greater role than you might think. Sometimes just noticing the inspiration can help you cultivate more of it as you go through your day. Suddenly, your brain starts making more connections as you prime yourself to feel inspired and grow your steady pool of ideas. Notice how your body feels. How is your breathing? Your energy? Your mood? Be aware of the inspiration as it settles int your body.

  2. Show gratitude: Ideas are gifts in the truest sense of the word in my opinion. When we have an idea, we should treat it with great hamd and shukr to Allah (swa) for lending us a good idea and asking Him to guide us as we try to act on it. This is especially helpful since the nafs loves take credit and hear praise for things. But if we condition ourselves to show gratitude to Allah (swa) for any ideas or inspiration we have, we become better at accessing humility within ourselves as we try our best to make the idea come to life.

  3. Make a post-it idea wall: When faced with too many ideas, consider writing each big idea onto a post-it and sticking it on a wall. Take a look at the wall a couple times a day just as you would with a personal vision board and simply notice what starts to stand out more to you. Is your heart being pulled into a direction over the span of a week? Is there an idea you like but don’t love? Is there an idea you want to save for late? What about one that you think is good but just need a bit of a push?

  4. Talk to supports: My husband and sisters are the first to know when I am having a burst of ideas. I’ll call non-stop lol or spend most of the evening over dinner talking about what I’m thinking or planning next. Talking to a handful of supportive people in your life is a super important step so you can fuel your inspiration .. or, think of a different perspective you hadn’t considered. Be very careful who share your initial thoughts with since not everyone wishes to see you succeed. A new idea is like a little seedling that needs time, the right environment, and gentle nourishment to survive and grow.

  5. Go back and lean in: Once you feel your inner calling standing out more clearly, go back and lean in to the idea with more focus, clarity, and intention. Start thinking of what it might look like or five reasons you want to do it in the first place. Start “giving life” to it through research, design, lists, etc. Whatever your own ideation process looks like, start initiating and allow Allah (swa) to help you stretch your abilities as you learn and grow with the new idea.

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I hope these simple steps can help you sift through your own ideas!

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Till next time,



Creating a Vision // Mood Board


On overcoming analysis paralysis